The current Bike debate

Posted by Madeline on 9/23/2014
How should we ride? The current bike debate is over if bikes should stay on the road, or if bike lanes, or even entirely separate bike tracks are the way of the future.  An eloquent article explaining both sides of the argument. 

Need some commuting inspiration?

Posted by Madeline on 9/19/2014
Fun and inspiring stories and a few statistics too, that will help get you out the door, onto your bike, and where you're going in the morning!

The Slow Bike Movement

Posted by Madeline on 9/12/2014
The Slow Bike Movement
An article from SFGate on casual riding in San Francisco.

Why we need more people who ride bikes, not cyclists

Posted by Madeline on 9/4/2014
Why we need more people who ride bikes, not cyclists
An interesting article out of Seattle. Why communities need more people who ride bikes as opposed to hard core cyclists. The author makes some interesting point! Article includes links to other pertinent blog entrees on the subject.
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